Literary Salon

Conversations with author Alida Bremer


Once a month on Friday evenings a literary salon with a reading by an author takes place at Villa Orange. Interested hotel guests can participate in this exclusive event. It always starts at 8 pm. The admission fee is 15/20 Euro (incl. drinks and pretzels). 
The readings are organized by the Literary Salon Committee: Lothar Ruske, Christoph Schröder, Eldad Stobezki, Robin Schmerer, Marvin Baudisch and hostess Christiane Hütte.


hotel villa orange biohotel erlebnis literatursalon

The next Literary Salon

Friday, 31 January 2025 (sold out !)

8 pm

The guest is the publisher and editor Sebastian Guggolz.
His topic: "How to read classics today" - Using Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann and Stig Dagerman as examples
Reader: actor and speaker Jochen Nix





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